I was in Tucson this weekend. We were out hitting up the yard sales and estate sales in the area when Hank spotted a sale in front of this filthy little brick building off Speedway. I'm sure it was a store of some sort, but I never saw a store name or anything, just this old man out front with rusty old junk spread all over the parking lot. So of course I pulled over!
I pretty much jumped out of the car and ran through the parking lot to take a closer look at all the glorious junk. I think the old man was suspicious of me. The first thing that caught my eye was this tub of glassware marked $3. I yelled to the old man, "I'll take this!" Then I moved on to an antique wooden buoy.
How much?
*shakes head yes*
I'll take that too!
This continued for about 20 minutes until I ran out of cash. The old man, who was really enjoying this, told me to "have your husband go to the bank and get you more cash!" So I did.
I ended up with a nice pile of treasures (including a vintage Michael Jackson record player, which almost brought tears to my eyes when I saw it!) The old man added up my goods, and gave me a solid price. Then I got a sweaty old man hug and he wished me luck with all my junk. The hug was worth it!